Santa Sticks

Continuing our theme of homemade Christmas decorations, we give you… Santa Sticks!

Hilarious. All the ho ho ho's making these jolly festive stick men - in fact I shall find it difficult to look at ‘the right sort of’ stick without imagining a beard, ever again!

Sticks should be dry and wide enough for a face. Avoid soft/rotten wood.

We used acrylic paint, which did the job and hasn’t cracked or faded - and a hand-drill for the hole at the top (from which to suspend the decorations).

Lots of creative fun, for all ages - we absolutely loved watching the faces come alive under our paintbrushes.

Do tag us if you have a go - we could make a festive army of Father Christmases… Hmm, I wonder what the collection noun for Father Christmases would be? A jingle? A merriment? A sack?!

Over to you...