Apple Pigs
These cheerful little pigs are an unusual sweet treat for the birds - and super fun to make! They’re also a good way to use up windfall or tired old apples.
You'll need:
Two old apples, one big (body) and one smaller (head).
Some thicker twigs for legs and little twigs for joining.
Add 4 twig legs to the big apple so that it stands up. Cut the smaller apple in half and attach to the big apple using a twig - cut side facing out, to make a face. Carefully remove the pips out of the remaining half to use for eyes and then cut a snout out of the middle using an apple corer (or knife). Attach to the face with a twig. Squish in the apple pips for eyes. You can use little leaves or bits of apple skin to make the ears and ivy makes a good curly tail.
