Planting Bulbs

One of our favourite autumn rituals is planting spring flowering bulbs - a lovely activity and a great way to teach children about the life cycle of perennial plants.

Having taken part in ‘no mow May’ this year and enjoyed the hum of our previously quiet lawn, we love for the idea of providing nectar early in the year for those very first pollinators. Spotting those hopeful signs of spring after the winter months is such a delight - so this year we’re going to plant bulbs within the grass in the hope that, over the years, they start to naturalise.

Spring flowering bulbs need a to be over-wintered, so now is absolutely the time to plant them. We love to ‘tuck them in’ under a layer of soil as if putting them to bed, making sure they’re pointy-side-up and avoiding any that are mouldy or soft.

Snowdrops we already have, awaiting their delicate prologue in February - with early flowering crocuses and narcissus to follow. We plant them now with an eye on next spring - and wonder (more than ever) what the future holds. Whatever happens, the emergence of our newly planted bulbs will make us smile.

Have you got your bulbs in yet?