Celebrating the Spring Equinox with Children: Inspiring a Love for Nature

"If children don't grow up knowing about nature and appreciating it, they will not understand it, and if they don't understand it, they won't protect it, and if they don't protect it, who will?" - Sir David Attenborough

The arrival of the Spring Equinox is a magical moment in the natural calendar. Marking the point when day and night are of equal length, it symbolises balance, renewal, and the return of longer, sunlit days. Spring brings with it a riot of colour—daffodils lining country lanes, birds singing at dawn, and the first buzzing bees searching for nectar. It’s the perfect time to help children connect with nature, nurturing a love for the outdoors that will encourage them to care for it as they grow.

What is the Spring Equinox?

The Spring Equinox, which falls on the 20th of March this year, occurs when the Earth's axis is tilted neither towards nor away from the sun, resulting in nearly equal daylight and darkness. In ancient times, it was celebrated as a time of fertility, new beginnings, and gratitude for the returning warmth.

For children, this is a wonderful opportunity to witness the changing of the seasons and develop a sense of wonder for the natural world.

Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox with Children

1. Welcome the Sunrise

Start the day with an early morning adventure to watch the sunrise. Whether from your garden, a nearby hill, or a quiet park, experiencing the first light of spring is a beautiful way to feel connected to the rhythms of nature. Encourage children to listen to the dawn chorus—a symphony of birdsong heralding the new season.

2. Plant Something New

Spring is a time of growth, making it the perfect moment to plant seeds. Whether it’s wildflowers for pollinators, herbs for the kitchen, or a small tree, planting something together fosters a connection with the earth and teaches children patience as they watch their plants grow over time. Our Grow Your Own British Tree Kit contains everything you need to plant a native tree.

3. Build a Den in Nature

Encourage children to create their own spring hideaway using natural materials. A simple den can become a secret woodland retreat where they can read, play, or watch wildlife. This hands-on activity nurtures creativity and strengthens their relationship with the outdoors.

4. Go on a Spring Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of signs of spring to spot on a walk—frogspawn in ponds, catkins on trees, bees and butterflies, or the scent of fresh grass. Engaging children in seasonal observations helps them notice the small wonders of the natural world.

5. Create a Nature Table

Start a seasonal nature display at home by collecting interesting items like fallen blossom, feathers, seed pods, or pretty stones. This simple activity encourages children to appreciate nature’s beauty and be mindful of its cycles.

6. Have a Spring Equinox Picnic

Make the most of the warmer weather and celebrate the season with an outdoor feast featuring fresh, seasonal foods—perhaps homemade bread, local honey, fresh greens, and fruit. Sitting on the grass, feeling the sun on their skin, and sharing a meal outdoors helps children experience nature with all their senses.

7. Share Stories and Folklore

Across different cultures, the Spring Equinox has been celebrated as a time of renewal and balance. Read myths about the changing seasons, or tell stories about animals waking from hibernation. Stories help children build a deeper emotional connection to the world around them.

Why It Matters

Sir David Attenborough’s words remind us that fostering love for nature in children is the first step towards protecting it. When they feel connected to the seasons, the animals, and the plants around them, they are more likely to grow into adults who care about preserving the environment. By celebrating the Spring Equinox with simple, joyful activities, we can inspire the next generation to cherish and protect our natural world.

So, this year, let’s welcome spring with open hearts, muddy hands, and a sense of wonder—because every child who falls in love with nature today is one more guardian of the Earth tomorrow.